【適應在Ad Block下的廣告生態】
由Google牽頭的「Coalition for Better Ads」指,Google Chrome將會移走不符合「Better Ads Standards」的網站廣告。這個聯盟的成立目的是為了提升廣告體驗,因為如果消費者的廣告體驗不佳,會驅使他們安裝廣告過濾軟件(Ad Block),避開廣告,最終讓整個行業都會受損。
我認為Ad Block已經勢不可擋,無論業界做甚麼,安裝廣告過濾軟件的消費者都會愈來愈多,行業必須要適應在這樣的環境下作宣傳推廣。有沒有這個廣告聯盟,也應該做好廣告來守護廣告業,減慢使用Ad Block的上升速度。而且廣告商也應尋求廣告以外的宣傳模式,內容營銷是其中一個方法,但也不應太粗製濫造,以免這種宣傳方式死於萌芽狀態。
2018年3月2日 《晴報》 《人間有晴》
「block google ads」的推薦目錄:
- 關於block google ads 在 曾錦強 KK Tsang Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於block google ads 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於block google ads 在 Adli Shinichi Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於block google ads 在 block specific user social media, google ads, youtube channel ... 的評價
- 關於block google ads 在 How We Discovered Google's Hate Blocklist for Ad ... 的評價
- 關於block google ads 在 Remove YouTube Ads With This Stupidly Simple Trick - Forbes 的評價
- 關於block google ads 在 Facebook, Google and others are tracking you. Here's how to ... 的評價
block google ads 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Our utopian, dystopian future with self-driving cars
As a civilization, we have not taken on board the implications of the coming revolution in self-driving cars.
Auto manufacturers, technology companies including Google, and legislators predict that by 2020, self-driving cars will be navigating public roads in countries such as the US, UK and Finland. Most autonomous vehicles will not be owned by individuals but by companies, then rented out to travelers by the hour.
Self-driving is heralded as a way of improving traffic flows and decreasing road accidents. But what about the secondary effects of autonomous cars on public transport, the property market and health?
As with most techno-disruptions, opinion is divided into the utopian and dystopian.
Let’s look at the upsides
• Removing fallible, emotional, inattentive humans from behind the steering wheel, where they really have no place, could free up ambulances and hospital accident and emergency departments. Stephen Hamilton, a lawyer in Cambridge who is working on the legality of autonomous cars, says one manufacturer is expecting 99.7 percent of road accident injuries to be eliminated. It has a team working on ways to prevent the remaining 0.3 percent of deaths and injuries on the roads.
•將容易犯錯、情緒化和心不在焉的人類從操縱方向盤一事解放出來——司機在方向盤後面真的沒多少空間——救護車和醫院急診室就沒有存在的必要了。劍橋地區正在研究自動駕駛汽車合法性的律師Stephen Hamilton表示,一家製造商預計自動駕駛可以消除99.7%的道路交通事故所致的傷亡。該公司有一個團隊研究如何防止剩餘的0.3%的交通事故傷亡。
• Car parks are an urban eyesore but their days are numbered if car ownership diminishes. Self-driving cars will rarely park. Instead, they will circulate in cities between passengers. Multi-storey car parks could be turned into homes. Domestic garages and driveways may be turned into green space or living rooms.
• Out-of-town pubs and restaurants could enjoy a boom. No need for a sober designated driver if the car is doing the driving.
• City and suburban streets will be reclaimed. Over half of their width is taken up with cars parked for days on end. Children could use the liberated space to play and their parents to socialize.
• Ugly road signs and lines will become a thing of the past. Autonomous cars do not need them. The cityscape and rural views will be improved.
• We will have more spare time — an extra 50 minutes a day typically, according to a McKinsey study.
• Autonomous car operators will be imaginative. Cars could come equipped as a gym, cinema or bedroom.
• The cost of personal transport will plummet, according to Barclays, from between $1 and $1.60 a mile to as little as 8 cents a mile.
• Transport could even be free. When you book a ride in a self-driving taxi and accept ads played at you, the cost could reduce to zero.
• The tipping point, says Mr. Hamilton, will come when there is a 70 percent take-up of self-driving vehicles.
But there will be downsides
• Hacking will be a menace. Individuals will try to dismantle their cars’ software, causing accidents. Organized hackers and terrorists will seek to cause large accidents.
• Chaos will ensue when autonomous car operators fail to charge their cars sufficiently and run out of power on busy roads. But self-driving cars will be better at negotiating their way around stalled vehicles.
• Thrill-seekers could play an updated game of chicken, in which they run in front of a self-driving car to see if it uses its superhuman reaction time to swerve into a lamp post.
• If the cost of going a block or two by car is negligible — or zero — fitness and health could decline.
• 如果汽車走一兩個街區的成本很低(或者為零),人們的身材和健康狀況就可能變差。
• With travelers free to drink and be driven, alcohol and drug consumption could soar.
• 旅客們可以隨便喝酒和坐車,飲酒和吸毒狀況可能飆升。
• Local councils and national government, stung by diminishing parking and traffic fine revenues, will try to make transport expensive again with taxes per mile travelled.
• 地方議會和國家政府會遭受停車費和交通罰款收入下降的衝擊,它們將會努力通過徵收每英里旅行稅,再次讓交通變得昂貴。
• The media will go nuts for the first 20 or so years about every accident, however minor, involving a self-driving car, even if they currently ignore the global 1.25 million deaths and 20-50 million injuries on the roads.
The grey areas
• Trains could be doomed. What is the point when cars and lorries can combine to make what is effectively a train on virtual tracks, with each driver enjoying their own space?
• While city car parks will be more productively re-purposed, unattractive out-of-town brownfield sites could become vast recharging parks where autonomous cars go for power and servicing through the night.
•儘管城市停車場將會被重新設計得更有效率,但毫無吸引力的城外棕色地帶(brownfield site,因受到污染而被廢棄或閒置的前工業和商業用地)可能成為龐大的充電場,自動駕駛汽車可以晚上來這裡充電和檢修。
• There will be a boom in out-of-town racetracks for people to drive fast and take risks in manually driven cars.
• Being late to a meeting “because of traffic” will be over as an excuse.
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block google ads 在 Adli Shinichi Facebook 的最讚貼文
WAJIB BACA ARTIKAL NI YER SEMUA? dan SEBAR2KAN.. elakkan diri kita ditipu..
(Senarai) Nama Kedai Business Online Yang Menipu / Diragu
Sumber – August 19, 2013Posted in:
Informasi, Kewangan, Tips Post ini telah dilihat sebanyak 4,422 kali
di Nuffnang Ads
kedaionline yg tipu
Sila rujuk senarai nama kedai atau business online yang menipu ni jika anda kerap melakukan pembelian di internet. Malaysia sebenarnya masih mundur dalam hal pembelian barang secara online kerana masih ramai yang menipu dan menjadi mangsa tipu.
Tak seperti Korea. Kebanyakan perniagaan mereka adalah secara talian. Penghantaran on the spot adalah antara yang terbaik. Sebab itu mereka mampu maju dalam masa yang singkat. Tapi di Malaysia masih ramai makhluk yang mengambil kesempitan di atas kecanggihan teknologi. Macam mana Malaysia nak maju kalau berniaga pun tipu orang. Untung nak cepat. Kalau perniagaan orang lain maju, mulalah nak sabotaj. Adeh..
Bagi pembeli, sebaik-baiknya lihat testimoni atau komen pembeli yang lain dulu samada beliau peniaga yang boleh dipercayai atau tidak. Kalau takde testimoni sila tinggalkan. Dalam Islam pun ada kata; kalau was-was elok tinggalkan.
Berikut adalah antara nama kedai online di Malaysia yang menipu ramai pembeli. Harap berjaga-jaga:
1 ) Az Iman
Report by many people, payment made but nothing have been deliver. Gambar ambil dari google
2) Assyaima Collection
Report by Siti Suhaila , order barang lain tapi dapat barang lain. Bila sms tak reply
3) Kartisha Little Bizhub
Report by Zetty Ezhard , beli perfume last year, kata authentic tapi rupanya fake. Bau macam sabun, bila email balik tak reply. No telefon tak provided
4) Jason / Ah keong / YU KAM LEAN
Report by many people , jual gadget. Sell BB for rm500 end up semua customer dia tak dapat apa2. Memang ramai dah kena. More than RM10k ++ Please beware
5) Imaya Gadget @ Anisah Derahman (kutu gadgets)
Report by Laksamana Cheng Ho , 4 bulan tak dapat barang, dia just refund RM300 and balance until now tak settle. Post kat wall dia block.
6) Wawa Najwa ZK’nas Lens
Report by Cik N Syuhada , until now tak refund duit
7) Yanti Shaterz
Report by many people, mak kutu yang makan duit haram
8 ) Babyrina
Report by Nik Norazne , ramai dah kena tipu and dia ada byk FB.
~ http://www.facebook.com/princess.babyrina
~ http://www.facebook.com/reena.colections
~ http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002641425341
~ http://www.facebook.com/lolypopprincess.reena
~ http://www.facebook.com/profile.php…
9) Coachbagz wonderland
Report by Nurliza Eirlina , jual handbag dari luar negara, dah bayar depo last year but until now barang tak sampai. Email and inbox dia bagi alasan kena tipu dengan supplier tapi sampai sekarang masih active berniaga.
10 ) Katty Eng
Report by Nurul Shahida Syabil , RM130 sampai sekarang tak refund. Barang tak sampai. Now dah block orang
11) Set Nona Roguy
Report by Siti Hajar , dia jual set bersalin. Nama kat akaun maybank Nur Shuhada Ishak. Ramai dah terkena
12) Thalia Amanie @ Juliana Sulaiman
Report by many people , main kutu yang makan duit orang.
More details :
NO IC —> 870207495266
NO HP —> 017656278
NO ACC —> CIMB ACC ( 1222-000-3976-201)
13) KIKI GAJET @Muhammad Shaz
Report by Nora Madi Norazmadi , dah bayar deposit RM400, terus kena block. Number phone 0174643265
14 ) Buabuai Buaian cukur Jambul
Report by Love Haikal , duit dah bayar, video tak dapat, fb diblock, call and sms tak layan. Kena pada 13 nov 2011. no phone 01935335784
15) Rainbow House @ Chong Kar Ying
Report by Teia Zakariah , beli lens tak dapat lagi.
16) Koleksi Kpop Eshop @ Norfazilawati Binti Jefferi 01112026208
Report by Faten Suhana and Deana Abdullah , beli 2 baju tapi tak dapat2 lagi sampai sekarang
17) Jualan Mega @ Sarah by Mohd Jamaian
Report by Nabela Dyana , beli ypad budak 30pcs and iphone 4s mainan budak until now tak dapat lagi
18) Door to Door @ Sharifah Nuzaihan Syed Fisol
Report by Amna Nafeesa II , dia jual gadget murah. Sampai sekarang tak dapat. Total loss RM6K.
19) Lens Collections
Report by Chibbi Maruko , total RM345. tak pulangkan lagi duit sampai sekarang.
20 ) Nor Aymylia Bt Normazlin
Report by Puan Ain Juih , beli samsung galaxy tab tapi dapat tablet china. Ramai dah terkena dgn dia. Total loss RM1.6k
21) Nellisa Abd Rahman
Reported by many people , mereka jual barang2 baby , susu dan diapers, barang tak pernah sampai ramai dah tertipu
22) Bee florian @ Aizan Fong Abdullah
Reported by many people, dia ni memang dah bertahun tahun terkenal dengan menipu. Kalau cari fb dia memang dah takde so just beware dengan nama dia tu.
23) Rosidah Abdullah
Reported by many people , dia ni suka buka kedai tiru nama kedai seller lain so nanti customer akan keliru. So just beware dengan nama dia bila nak buat payment nanti.
Maybank 163091006206 , hp 01114990713 / 01114944617
24) Butik Beg Tangan Berjenama @ Wan Syazwani maybank 158305218738
Reported by many people, fb dia pun dah hilang sekarang. Dapat duit terus senyap then deactivate fb.
25) Adayana Perfume @ Syahidan Ahmad
Reported by many people, after payment barang tak sampai. Macam2 alasan diberikan.
26) Kedai Gadget @ Faizah binti Md Rejab
Reported by many people , kutu gadget dan jual ada jual gadget tapi kalau dah bayar jgn harap barang akan sampai.
27) Korean Sweety Eye
Reported by many people, after payment dia akan block dari msg/wall
28) Kedai saya @ Mohd Syazamie
Reported by Aina Jessturaya, orang tu mengaku diri pekerja court mammoth penang and jual barang murah & ansuran. After masukkan duit dia akan block terus. Tracking number yang tipu dia bagi
29) Babydynas Collections & Babydynas Kutu Frenz
Reported by many people, ada few people je yang dapat refund dari dia. Yang lain semua dia kebas duit. Senyap sampai sekarang
30) Aida Isyhaidar @ Norhaida bt Jamaludin
Reported by Princess Davinci , dia ni kutu jam. Duit lesap
31) Kedai Sri Mawar @ Azizah Bt Bakar from Bachang Utama
Reported by Siti Qis Junior , peniaga emas. After dah dapat duit dia block customer.
32) Blackberry Hotshop @ Maria Ariffa Mazlan
Reported by Lynn Domo, customer mintak COD, dia setuju tapi dengan syarat bayar deposit RM500. bila yang nak jumpa, dia tak datang. Call tak jawab.
33) Tudung Abu Dhabi
Reported by 5 people, service lambat. Ada yang dapat after 2 week dah bayar itu pun after dah push and bagi warning.
34) Kasih Damia Shoppe / Kasih Damia Collections
Reported by Ros Zaiha , owner kedai ni nama Suhaila. Beri alasan macam2, barang sampai kesudah tak dapat.
35) Lim Anna
Reported by many people, boleh tengok dekat photos posted by Poisonous apple, dia print screen orang2 yang bagi wall post mintak refund money and post barang.
**silakan kongsikan kepada semua yer? semoga menjadi panduan kita supaya lebih berhati2.. InSyaALLAH.....
**kalau ada yg rakan2 tahu lagi atau ada pengalaman.. sila komen untuk kongsikan kepada semua kat sini....
block google ads 在 How We Discovered Google's Hate Blocklist for Ad ... 的美食出口停車場
Using Google Ads, the portal allowing advertisers to place ads on YouTube, we found Google does in fact block some hate terms—but only a ... ... <看更多>
block google ads 在 Remove YouTube Ads With This Stupidly Simple Trick - Forbes 的美食出口停車場
Redditors have discovered a simple way to remove ads from YouTube videos ... In my tests, it worked in Google Chrome on both Mac desktop and ... ... <看更多>
block google ads 在 block specific user social media, google ads, youtube channel ... 的美食出口停車場
1. You can permit/deny social media for specific users. Also using data filtering capability you can use regex pattern and if this is found in the flow then ... ... <看更多>